September 06, 2011

 Facilitator Leader Training

On Sunday September 4th, the Facilitator Leader Training and Technical Training were held at Pangaea Kyoto Office with the participation of four volunteers from Tokyo and Kyoto. “Yuri-chan” who participated from Tokyo took these courses during her stay in Kyoto as an intern. The training report by Yuri-chan is as follows (translation to English is by herself):

smll320_IMG_0570.JPG On September 4th, I got a facilitator leader training and a technical training at PANGAEA office in Kyoto. I heard a lecture about PANGAEA by Ms. Mori in college classes a year ago, and I was interested in PANGAEA. I have joined activities in Tokyo as a facilitator since then. My experience of a facilitator is still young, so I felt a little anxiety about whether I could understand the content of trainings and advantage them in activities, but on the other hand I was looking forward to get trainings because things that I can do in activities might increase.

small_IMG_0575.JPG In the facilitator leader training, I found that a facilitator leader had to take an extensive view of overall the activity. Since the time when I had joined PANGAEA activities, I was a facilitator, so in almost all activities I played with children following a facilitator leader. However, of course a facilitator leader has to observe the progress of the activity and children. Before an activity, a facilitator leader makes an agenda but I may need to make changes to it according to the actual occasion of the activity. I thought cooperation with stuffs participating in the activity was so important in such a situation. Also, the technical training was helpful for me to know the work that technical staffs do in an activity.

small_IMG_0578.JPG Ms. Mori said that if we could make a fine circle at the beginning of the activity, the activity would be good. I think making a fine circle with everybody joining the activity at the time of the introduction of the activity and cooperating with them to do that are so small things but so important things. If everybody realize the importance, our activity will be better.

Posted by: ayako | 8. General