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What Is Pangaea? What Do We Do?
What Do We Do?

Pangaea is a non-profit organization that creates a "universal playground" where children from all over the world can feel a personal "bond" beyond the barrier of languages, geographical distance and the differences in social backgrounds. Pangaea sites are located in Japan (Tokyo, Kyoto, Mie), Korea (Seoul), Austria (Wien), Kenya (Nairobi), and Malaysia (Kuching, Bario). A total of 4,500 children, from 3rd grade through 9th grade, have joined Pangaea's activities and are therefore able to communicate with other children across differences in school, school year, and sex.. Among foreign sites, children have already connected without language by using our original pictorial letters, called "Pictons".


Pangaea's Webcam Activity, meeting each other directly through the use of a Web-camera, has been practiced several times a year with different sites to encourage a deeper bond among the children.

Pangaea has one more facet, that of non-profit Research and Development. We research and develop activity proof studies with grants from the government and companies and by consigning contracts with research institutes.

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