Pangaea Charter was established on February 5th, 2008 to declare Pangaea’s activity philosophy and the guideline of its operation and organizational management. The Charter was carefully crafted over a long period of time with great attention to detail.
Pangaea requires all stakeholders, except for young participants—such as staff, volunteers, supporters, parents, and partner organizations—to agree to the Charter before participating.
For young participants to any activities of Pangaea, we require the only one simple rule as “Do not do what others hate”.
[The only Pangaea rule for young participants]
"Do NOT Do What Others Hate."
"人の いやがることを しない" in Japanese.
Pangaea Charter
Activity Philosophy
Pangaea provides children with a Universal Playground to gain voluntary participation. Pangaea designed the Universal Playground as a place where children can express themselves straightforwardly; share their encounters and experiences with others by overcoming language barriers and cultural differences; cultivate sympathy toward others; and develop personal bonds with peers.
Pangaea offers activities to children, regardless of gender, age, culture, religion, income level, and disease. Pangaea also respects cultural diversity, maintains political and religious neutrality, and contributes to global peace.
Activity Operation
Pangaea takes into account the children’s views. Each adult plays the role of a facilitator, instead of a teacher, in Pangaea activities. Pangaea’s facilitation is designed to offer children a variety of options for encouraging their self-expression; to give higher priority to exchanging feelings than to providing precise information; and to help children learn compassion for others.
Pangaea has fundamental concepts of activity: children come together to participate in activities, and then they are divided into activity groups. Pangaea contributes to the healthy development of children, using enjoyable and interesting content.
Activity Methods
Pangaea develops its own content and software for building interpersonal connections among children. Pangaea has a strong interest in new technologies, and actively employs them in cooperation with researchers and associations both inside and outside Japan.
Pangaea utilizes information and communication technology as a way to connect to multiple global locations without difficulty and as a tool for fostering spontaneous and productive interaction among children, regardless of geographical distance.
Organizational Operation
Pangaea strengthens its ability to invent its own content and software, and also maintains high levels of artistic and technical quality in production. Pangaea distributes the developed materials to each Pangaea activity field. All Pangaea activity fields are given complete autonomy to design and operate their own activities by incorporating the shared content and software. In addition, they are responsible for modifying their activities, based on community needs.
Pangaea is an organization, managed through democratic discussion: a staff member, who is the greatest contributor to Pangaea, becomes the most influential person in the decision-making process.
At Pangaea, we have established the Pangaea Charter, which serves as the foundation of all our activities.