PAIS (Pangaea Activity Intercultural School for Youth) is a residential program for elementary and junior high school students, held during winter and spring breaks. It focuses on exploration and creative activities, where participants of different ages collaborate through fieldwork and hands-on projects. Additionally, the program connects with children overseas remotely, enabling participants to share and exchange ideas from a global perspective.

The name “PAIS” comes from the Old French word for “Peace.” It was proposed by high school students who were former participants in Pangaea activities. So far, PAIS has been held twice—in December 2021 and March 2023.

Please take a look at PAIS2021 report here:

As an example, PAIS 2023 featured an inquiry-based program which focused on fieldwork. Students began with team planning and collaborated across age groups to conduct fieldwork activities.

The results of their work were compiled into 10-minute presentations delivered in English. These presentations were shared remotely with students from Kenya and Georgia, providing participants with an opportunity to explore, reflect, and present their findings with a truly global perspective.

PAIS is a short-term, intensive residential program designed to inspire young minds to think globally, engage in inquiry, and share their insights with the world.