KISSY (Kansai Intercultural Summer School for Youths) is a residential summer school program for children from 3rd to 9th grade.
It aims to cultivate a global perspective among participants, leveraging digital tools to nurture their development as global citizens.

Since its establishment in 2003, Pangaea has upheld the philosophy that equipping children with the skills to collaborate and solve problems with peers from diverse backgrounds—including those in the Global South—is of utmost importance. KISSY has gained international recognition as an advanced initiative promoting diversity and inclusion, as well as Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4.7, which focuses on global citizenship education, through the effective use of digital technologies. During KISSY workshops, participants tackle pressing global challenges deemed critical for the sustainability of our planet. In addition, recognizing the rapid advancement of generative AI and its profound impact on society and education, KISSY has introduced new initiatives focused on AI. These activities encourage children to reflect on how they can navigate and thrive in an AI-driven future.

About the KISSY Program

KISSY has been held eight times to date, welcoming participants from various countries. In 2024, considering the ongoing impact of COVID-19 and global circumstances, workshops were held both in Japan and at international partner locations. On the final day, participants came together online to share and present their achievements. Through these experiences, children learn to overcome language and cultural differences, collaborate toward shared goals, and build mutual understanding. This initiative represents a key step toward realizing Pangaea’s vision of preparing the next generation to actively engage in a global society and contribute to building a more peaceful world.

Voices from KISSY participants

At KISSY, I was never rejected by adults. Everyone at Pangaea was supportive of my ideas and expanded it. The Pangaea circle time had a big impact on me. When I talk in the circle time, I was reluctant to speak in front of others. However, the warm space at Pangaea where no one will reject me allowed me to speak what I wanted to say and take positive action.
This experience still has an impact on me even now that I’m in a high school student. Now, thanks to the positive attitude and confidence I gained at Pangaea, I’m interested in many other activities and am able to participate in them myself, expanding my future possibilities. Pangaea taught me many things that neither my teachers nor my friends at school would teach me.

When I joined KISSY, I was 10 years old and I got my first friend who did not speak Japanese. There was no language communication between me and her. But I enjoyed spending time with her. For example, I negotiated to tread snack with her and teach Japanese.
At that time, I met the moment that is now the reason to learn English. On the last day of KISSY, I had a question to ask her, but I don’t know English at all, so I asked the facilitator how to say the question in English. After that I tried to ask her question in English. When I got answer from her, I was very impressed about if I can speak English, I can talk to many people from all over the world and at the same time, I realized that languages are wonderful.
You can meat many people at KISSY and time of spending with them is making me realize difference of culture and language.At the same time it makes me realize that people’s kindness, the moment of we laugh and we are same human If someone live so far from my county.