
2003 Registered as NPO Pangaea (Japan)
2004 Pangaea Activity started in four Shibuya public schools in Tokyo, Japan
2005 Suginami Youth Center in Tokyo started Pangaea Activity (Japan)
2006 MIZY Center of Korea UNESCO started Pangaea Activities (Korea)
2007 Mie Univ. started Pangaea Activities (Japan)
2008 Kyoto Univ. started Pangaea Activities (Japan)
Pangaea moved its headquarter to Kyoto
2009 Universiti Malaysia Sarawak started Pangaea Activities (Malaysia)
2010 Kyoto International School started Pangaea Activities (Japan)
SMK BARIO started Pangaea Activities (Malaysia)
2011 OKWave started Pangaea Activities in Tokyo (Japan)
2012 UDCK started Pangaea Activities in Chiba (Japan)
2014 Started Pangaea Activities at an orphanage in Phnom Penh (Cambodia)
Held KISSY (Kyoto Intercultural Summer School for Youth) for the first time (held annually thereafter)
2017 Started Pangaea Activities at the University of Tokyo (Japan)
2018 Launched a project in Kenya under JICA Grassroots Technical Cooperation (Partnership Program)
Received the Best Paper Award of the year at the Human Interface Society
Started Pangaea Activities at the Nairobi National Museum (Kenya)
KISSY 2018 project won a Special Jury Award at UNITED FOR PEACE FILM FESTIVAL (UFPFF) 2018
Started Pangaea Activities at School123 in Tbilisi (Georgia)
2019 Started Pangaea Activities at the Kisumu Museum (Kenya)
Received the “Global Citizenship Award” from the Japan Foundation
2020 Conducted an online project-based learning project at public high schools in Hiroshima Prefecture
2021 Conducted PAIS 2021 (Pangaea Activity Intercultural School for Youths ) in Shiga (Japan) connecting Cambodia, Kenya and more countries.
2023 Conducted PAIS 2023 in Kyoto (Japan) connecting Kenya, Georgia, and Japan.
Conducted a hybrid KISSY2023 connecting Kenya, Georgia, U.S., Singapore, and Japan
Started Pangaea Activities at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto (Japan)
2024. Conducted KISSY2024 as a hybrid event connecting Kenya, Georgia, USA, and Japan