2003 | Registered as NPO Pangaea (Japan) |
2004 | Pangaea Activity started in four Shibuya public schools in Tokyo, Japan |
2005 | Suginami Youth Center in Tokyo started Pangaea Activity (Japan) |
2006 | MIZY Center of Korea UNESCO started Pangaea Activities (Korea) |
2007 | Mie Univ. started Pangaea Activities (Japan) |
2008 | Kyoto Univ. started Pangaea Activities (Japan) |
Pangaea moved its headquarter to Kyoto | |
2009 | Universiti Malaysia Sarawak started Pangaea Activities (Malaysia) |
2010 | Kyoto International School started Pangaea Activities (Japan) SMK BARIO started Pangaea Activities (Malaysia) |
2011 | OKWave started Pangaea Activities in Tokyo (Japan) |
2012 | UDCK started Pangaea Activities in Chiba (Japan) |
2014 | Started Pangaea Activities at an orphanage in Phnom Penh (Cambodia) |
Held KISSY (Kyoto Intercultural Summer School for Youth) for the first time (held annually thereafter) | |
2017 | Started Pangaea Activities at the University of Tokyo (Japan) |
2018 | Launched a project in Kenya under JICA Grassroots Technical Cooperation (Partnership Program) |
Received the Best Paper Award of the year at the Human Interface Society | |
Started Pangaea Activities at the Nairobi National Museum (Kenya) | |
KISSY 2018 project won a Special Jury Award at UNITED FOR PEACE FILM FESTIVAL (UFPFF) 2018 | |
Started Pangaea Activities at School123 in Tbilisi (Georgia) | |
2019 | Started Pangaea Activities at the Kisumu Museum (Kenya) |
Received the “Global Citizenship Award” from the Japan Foundation | |
2020 | Conducted an online project-based learning project at public high schools in Hiroshima Prefecture |
2021 | Conducted PAIS 2021 (Pangaea Activity Intercultural School for Youths ) in Shiga (Japan) connecting Cambodia, Kenya and more countries. |
2023 | Conducted PAIS 2023 in Kyoto (Japan) connecting Kenya, Georgia, and Japan. |
Conducted a hybrid KISSY2023 connecting Kenya, Georgia, U.S., Singapore, and Japan | |
Started Pangaea Activities at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto (Japan) | |
2024. | Conducted KISSY2024 as a hybrid event connecting Kenya, Georgia, USA, and Japan |